Jezebels Ancient Spells
Look into your life , past, present and future, through divination! I provide accurate readings  using a voodoo method of reading playing cards. You can learn about the people in your life and have advice on decision making. You can also use the cards to find out about past lives and spirit guides! You can even do readings about someone else and find out what is going on their life!  [email protected]  $50
Reading playing cards is as old as the cards themselves and is as accurate as reading Tarot Cards. The deck of playing cards is a descendant of the Tarot Cards and this can be easily seen in the suits and numbers of the cards. The diamonds are the pentacles, the clubs are the staves or wands, the hearts are the cups, and the spades are the swords.

If you know how to read Tarot Cards reading Playing Cards will be a breeze for you. Voodoo is not the only tradition to use playing cards, it was a popular method of divination all over the West when being a 'heathen' was a life threatening thing to be. People would read cards in public without risk of being persecuted because others would simply think they were playing a card game.

Cards can also be used in spellcasting, the Queen and King of Cups for love, the Ace of Pentacles for money, the Ace of Clubs to find a new job or get into a good school, and the Ace, King or Queen of Spades for cursing and black magic.
There are many other cards and card combinations that can be used for magic, they can be very effective.